Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tiny House Concert – Pianist Kai Schumacher

This series features artistic director of the Beethovenfest Bonn, Steven Walter, multidisciplinary artist Coco Elane and rising stars of the European classical music scene. Walter and Elane host internationally acclaimed musicians at Walter’s Tiny House in the Bonn countryside to talk shop and make music.
Kai Schumacher actually wanted to become a rock star. It wasn’t until he realized that classical music can also have pop-cultural references and even be political and critical of the system that he was able to embark on a career as a pianist. Kai starts the evening at the Tiny House with a Chilean protest hymn, then converts Steven’s piano into a synthesizer and later analyzes the compositional beauty of a drinking song.
The Tiny House series features a young generation of artists talking about their experiences in the classical music world, performing their favorite pieces and discussing their favorite recipes. It’s part talk show, part cooking show and part intimate private concert.
